Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cylindrical arrays

I use the term "cylindrical array" for any collection of things you have to process as "18, 19, 1, 2 ..." or "3, 2, 1, 22, 21, ...";  that is, when you get to either the upper end or the lower end, you continue processing at the other end as if the array were wrapped around a cylinder.  There aren't many cases in ordinary data processing where this technique is called for, but when it is, it's always an opportunity to "use a bigger hammer".  (Think of pounding a square peg into a round hole: if it doesn't fit, you get a bigger hammer.)

Luckily, it is dead-bang-easy to implement something like this, and you'll see it wherever (for example) an application calls for being able to shift a panel right or left.  Now, ISPF facilities do not allow the shifting of panels right and left except for some very special IBM-originated panels as are found in Browse and Edit.  A good friend, Chris Lewis, introduced me to a technique for simulating the effect so that it looks like the panel is shifting sideways.  The logic was a little bit "bigger-hammerish" so I smoothed it down.

You start with the knowledge of how many items there are in the list (the item-count).  To advance to the next item in the array (or list, if you prefer) you MOD the current item-number with the item-count and add one:

next_item = (item // item_count) + 1
To retreat to the prior item, sum the item-number and item-count and subtract two, then MOD the result with the item-count and add one:
previous_item = ( (item + item_count - 2) // item_count ) + 1

Here's how it breaks down for a list-of-five:

   To go to the next style:  (style//stylect) + 1:
          1   2   3   4   5
          1   2   3   4   0    (mod stylect)
          2   3   4   5   1    (add one)
   To go to the prior style:  (style+stylect-2)//stylect + 1
          1   2   3   4   5
          6   7   8   9  10    (+stylect)
          4   5   6   7   8    ( -2 )
          4   0   1   2   3    ( //stylect)
          5   1   2   3   4    ( +1 )
and this even works when the number of items is one.

At some time in the future, I'll blog about ISPF tables and table-displays and this topic will certainly come up again.  If you'd like to see a preview of how it's used, pop on over to my REXX page and take a look at PKGREQS.  It may not make much sense at first, but that's just because this blog isn't long enough... yet.

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